The following article was sent in by David A. Rodger of Vancouver, Canada.
I lived, in Elie, as a child with my mother during WWII (1941-46). Our rented home was on South Street; 23 or 26 I believe. My mother died many years ago, so I am turning to you for some help in clarifying a situation in wartime Elie.
I have vague memories of a Polish Paratroop detachment that was stationed in Elie at that time. Recently I came across a photo of me as a three year old with a Polish soldier. The soldier’s name was Vodek. That’s all I know! I still have the little paratroop uniform he gave me. The attached photo shows me with two of the Polish soldiers in front of our house on South Street (Elie). I’m wondering what is known today about those Polish soldiers in Elie at that time, and what happened to them after the war. I would guess that Vodek must be deceased.
I’m grateful for any help you can give me concerning this misty memory of mine.
David A. Rodger
Vancouver Canada
I am son of Market Garden weteran.
My father, Slawomir Kwiatkowski was lance corporal in 9. company 3. battalion of 1st Independent Parachute Brigade. He started in Scotland in March 1943. He was educated at Parachute School in Elie, Earlsferry House 4
He fought in Oosterbeek at Stationsweg 4. He left as a 96-year-old in 2011.
My friend from Arnhem, Holland, Frans Ammerlaan, knew my father, talked to him and used interview with him on the site http://marketgarden.com/2010/UK/veterans/kwiatkowski.html
Now I make the third version of father’s book “Story of Polish roads. History of operation Market Garden as a story of soldiers 1st SBS” (Samodzielna Brygada Spadochronowa). Book is only in Polish now… I want to try to get it translated into English.
I was in Scotland: 2014-09-27 Leven. I lived in the Caledonian Hotel. Alistair Suttie helped me in everything. I helped Alistair Suttie in preparation for the ceremony of unveiling the monument to General Sosabowski. Specifically – I put the Polish and Scottish flags 🙂
I know that the next ceremony is being prepared. I will come for sure!
I’m glad to see your site.
PS. Name Vodek is better to write as Vlodek…
My father was in Elie. Zygmunt Tomczyński. He married Jenny Bruce, 5 Park Place, Elie.