

The organisation shall be known as the “Elie and Earlsferry History Society” (hereinafter referred to as the Society) and will cover the geographical area of the Parish of Elie, adjoining Parishes and Fife in general.


The objects of the Society shall be to preserve and protect the heritage and traditions of Elie and Earlsferry and their environs with a view to securing public appreciation of said heritage and traditions by means of research, study, recreation or such other means charitable in law. In furtherance thereof, but not otherwise, the Society shall seek:

2.1 to collect and disseminate historical, ecclesiastical, topographical, literary and genealogical information relating to the area.

2.2 to provide educational and information services

2.3 to provide facilities for examination and study of historical records and books.

2.4 to set up and develop a library of such records and books.

2.5 to print the results of new research, and also reprint works of sufficient importance and rarity as will make such reprints desirable.


3.1 in furtherance of the objects, the Society may:

3.1.1    develop services relevant to the needs of its members; take into its care as a gift, on loan, or by purchase, any book, records or other document or artefact which it considers will help to further its objectives, borrow and make copies of any of the above with the owner’s permission in circumstances where the owner wishes to retain them;

3.1.2 join with other organisations in obtaining access to meeting places, equipment and materials and to places of historical interest;

3.1.3 collaborate with statutory and voluntary organisations in pursuit of the Society’s objects, and promote the Society to the general public;

3.1.4 promote and carry out, or assist in carrying out research, surveys and investigations and publish the results where appropriate;

3.1.5    arrange and hold or assist in arranging and holding exhibitions, meetings, seminars and training courses;

3.1.6 with due regard to confidentiality, collect and disseminate information on all matters affecting the objects and exchange such information with other bodies having similar objects whether in this country or overseas;

3.1.7 write, print or otherwise reproduce and circulate, free of charge or for payment such papers, books pamphlets, periodicals or other documents which shall raise awareness of and further the objects;

3.1.8    receive contributions by way of subscriptions or donations and raise funds, to further the objects of the Society;

3.1.9    purchase, take on lease or exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any heritable or moveable property including office, photocopying, digitising, printing or computing equipment and any rights and privileges necessary for the promotion of the said objects and maintain any building necessary for the work of the Society;

3.1.10 make regulations for the management of any property, heritable or moveable;

3.1.11 facilitate access to the Society’s property for people with mobility problems in the East Neuk of Fife and encourage their involvement in pursuing the objects of the Society;

3.1.12 hold a bank account in the name of the Society and to invest the monies not immediately required in investments, securities or property as may be thought tit, subject to such conditions (if any) as may from time to time be imposed or required by law;

3.1.13 employ and pay staff to supervise, organise and carry out the work of the Society;

3.1.14 dismiss any staff;

3.1.15 engage the services of professional advisers and consultants to assist in the work of the Society and to provide payment where appropriate;

3.1.16 engage the services of volunteers to assist in the works of the Society and reimburse approved out of pocket expenses;

3.1.17 subject to such consents that may be required by law, sell, let or mortgage, dispose of, or turn to account all or any of the property or assets of the Society;

3.1.18 do all lawful things as are necessary for the attainment of the objects.


4.1 In relation to these aims and objectives the Society will strive to avoid intentional and unintentional discrimination against any group or individual on any grounds.

4.2 The Society will work to ensure that its services are accessible to people who are disadvantaged or discriminated against in any way.


5.1 the Society membership shall consist of:

5.1.1    Full members who have attained the age of majority and have paid the annual subscription;

5.1.2    Individual members who are authorities in the field relating to the objects of the Society or who help the Society in some way and are invited to join the membership;

5.1.3    Junior members who have not attained the age of majority but who are interested in the objects of the Society and have paid a reduced subscription;

5.1.4    Friends of the Society who are non-voting Members who take no active part in the Society’s work but desire to be kept informed and who pay a reduced subscription.

5.2 Names of members. together with dates of joining will be maintained in a register by the secretary, or as designated.

5.3 The Management Committee will have the right by goad and sufficient reason to suspend or terminate the membership of any individual. Any such individual shall be given the reasons and a timescale to work to and the opportunity to appeal against the Committee’s decision as outlined in the Society’s complaints procedure.


6.1 The Management Committee shall be responsible for carrying out the policy of the Society and, subject to any condition imposed from time to time by the Society, for administration, management and control of its affairs and property. In order to form the Society a public meeting will be held in Elie at which an Interim Convener and not less than five others will be elected in whom the management of the affairs of the Society will be vested for six months and who shall have the powers of the Management Committee.

6.2 There shall be a Management Committee consisting of not less than 9 and not more than 12 Full Members and 3 Junior Members of the Society, to be appointed at the Annual General Meeting (see 7.3).

6.3 The Management Committee shall appoint from its members the following Office Bearers: (a) Convener, (b) Vice-Convener, (c) Treasurer, (d) Secretary and other Office Bearers as the Society may from time to time require. The Office Bearers shall hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM following their appointment and shall be eligible for re­election.

6.4 Individual Members and paid workers may be advisers to the Management Committee but shall have no voting rights.

6.5 Any casual vacancy in the Management Committee may be filled by the Management Committee and any person appointed to such a casual vacancy shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.

6.6 The Management Committee shall have the powers to co-opt up to two additional members.

6.7 The Management Committee shall have the power to declare the seat vacant of any member who is absent from three consecutive meetings without reasonable cause.

6.8 The members at the Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting called for the purpose may, on the recommedation of the Management Committee, appoint one or more Honorary Vice Presidents of the Society who shall not be required to pay a subscription.


7.1 Procedures

7.1.1 Eligibilty. To avoid all doubt, members eligible to vote refers to those members who have been registered as members for not less than 6 months. Members who are in receipt of payment from the Society, other than out of pocket expenses, for services which they provide, will be expected to declare their interest before participating at any meeting (see 7.1.3) and shall not vote on any matter in which they have such interest.

7.1.2 Voting. Any resolution presented for debate by those eligible to vote, shall be passed only if a majority decision is recorded. In the case of equality of votes the Convener shall have a second, or casting vote. Voting at meetings shall be by simple majority (ie 50% plus one) of those present and entitled to vote. This shall normally be by show of hands.

7.1.3 Declaration of Interest. No individual may take part in any decision-making process at Committee meetings, or vote, on matters in which they have a financial or other personal interest. Individuals will be expected to declare any such interest prior to the discussions taking place. Failure to declare an interest may result in the individual’s membership being suspended or terminated, and the decision being declared invalid. Sub-committees may be convened to allow such individuals to take part in discussions thereanent (see Section 7.2.2).

7.2  Management Committee Meetings.

7.2.1 The Management Committee shall hold a minimum of 3 meetings per year.

7.2.2 The Management Committee may appoint sub-committees or working groups as necessary, and shall determine their terms of reference, powers. duration and composition. The Committee shall appoint the Chairperson of such sub-committees or working groups.

7.2.3 The Convener shall be an ex-officio member of all sub­committees.

7.2.4    The quorum of the Management Committee shall be one third of the Management Committee.

7.2.5    Each Meeting of the Management Committee shall be properly notified and convened and a Minute taken of each meeting. These Minutes shall be recorded and maintained in a Minute Folder by the Secretary or as designated.

7.3  General Meetings.

7.3.1    An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be convened by the Management Committee of the Society each year, not more than two months after the certified or audited Accounts have been received, and in any case within 15 months of the previous A.G.M. for the purpose of:

(1) Receiving and approving the Annual Report and Accounts of the Management Committee.

(2) Electing the Management Committee.

(3) The appointment of one or more independent financial examiners

(4) Considering, any notices of motion which must have been submitted to the Secretary, in writing by two members, prior to the start of the meeting .

(5) Setting the annual membership subscriptions.

7.3.2    The Convener of the Management Committee may instruct the Secretary at any time to call a Special General Meeting of the Society. A Special general meeting w711 also be called on the written demand, to the Secretary, of ten members or one-third of the members whichever is less. The Secretary shall call such a meeting within 4 weeks of the date on which he was called upon to do so.

7.3.3    Formal notice of General Meetings will be given in writing to the members at least 14 days prior to the meeting.

7.3.4    The quorum at General Meetings shall be one quarter of the membership of the Society.


8.1 No member of staff may be a member of the Society or vote on its deliberations.

8.2 No member of the Management Committee shall be appointed to any salaried office of the Society, but may receive reimbursement of such expenses deemed as necessary while carrying out their duties as agreed by the Management Committee.

8.3 The Management Committee shall ensure that each member of staff is issued with a Terms and Conditions of Employment and that established support and grievance and disciplinary procedures are in place.


9.1 The Society’s financial year shall end on 30th September each year.

9.2 The accounts shall be audited or examined and certified at least once per year by one or more capable independent financial examiners appointed at the Annual General Meeting.

9.3 A bank or building society account shall be opened in the name of the Society. The Convener and Treasurer together, or the Convener and Secretary together, may sign cheques on behalf of the Society.

9.4 All cheques over £1,000 must be signed by both the Convener and Treasurer. All cheques and cheque stubs must be completed with full and proper details of each payment before the cheque is signed and removed.

9.5 The Treasurer shall submit written financial reports at each Management Committee meeting outlining income, expenditure and balances for the period and year to date.


10.1 The title to all property. heritable and moveable which may be acquired by or on behalf of the Society shall be vested in the names of the Convener, Vice-Convener, Secretary and Treasurer for the time being ex officus as trustees for the Society; or in the name of Trustees of a Trust set up for that purpose.


11.1 The Constitution and any quorum required at a meeting may be altered at the AGM or at a Special General meeting called for that purpose. and will require to be passed by not less than two-thirds of the members of the Society present at the meeting and eligible to vote. A resolution for alteration to the Constitution shall be lodged with the Secretary of the Society who shall call the meeting as specified in items 7.3.2 and 7.3.3 herewith. Any proposed changes to the constitution shall first be notified to Inland Revenue Charities and no changes should be made that would have the effect of the Society ceasing to be recognised by Inland Revenue as a recognised charity.


12.1 The Society may at any time be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those members present and eligible to vote. At least twenty-one clear days notice shall have been sent to all members of the Society regarding this meeting.

12.2 Such resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the Society. provided that if any property remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, such property shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Society but shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions within Fife having objects similar to some or all of the objects of the Society as the Society may determine.

(Last revision 1 Mar 17 by GJM)